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Monday, August 3, 2015

Pro Life Generation

Ok, I am going to go on a rant/blog post about some comments I was reading on Instagram about abortion, and Planned Parenthood! 
I am Pro Life all the way!! I don't care who tries to tell me differently I think its wrong and thats that!! I also think that what the Planned Parenthood group has been doing is wrong too!! Selling baby body parts for money is WRONG and DISGUSTING!!! Granted yes when Planned Parenthood first started they were there to help pregnant women with prenatal care and even there for women after they had the child/children but now all they're here for is abortion and selling baby body parts... And to sit there and say that a baby is just a "big clump of cells" is just very sad!! It makes me oh so sad to think that people of this nation think a baby is a clump of cells and doesn't have any feelings, and isn't "alive" yet... News flash!! It definitely is ALIVE from the time he/she has been conceived in the womb and even after he/she is born!!! I am so sick of pro choice people sitting there condemning pro life people and christians no less cause of our views against abortion!! And to sit there and tell me that I need to read more books other than the Bible is just wrong!!! I read many books and have done research and I don't see where its still right to have an abortion done!! 
And also I don't understand why every single time abortion is brought up every one has to bring up rape victims!! Why? Whats the point of bringing up rape victims? 
I am also going to quote Bible scriptures about children and about them being a blessing from God!!
"For I am fearfully and wonderfully made"
"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate


Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Even before we were even thought of God has/had a plan for us!! And I still believe that God has a plan for every baby and person still!! 

I might be a conservative Christian with conservative views but I am NOT close minded and think that women should be "baby machines" and I don't appreciate people that don't even know me calling me that!! OK, I think this is my end of rant/blog post... Hope each of you have a wonderful night!!



Sunday, August 2, 2015

5 Must Watch Shows On Netflix

Hey everyone! How's your August going so far? Mine is good! Can't believe the summer months are almost over! And next month there will be lots of Pumpkin Spice Latte's at the coffee shops and all bringing in the awesome Fall season!! :)
Ok, so I'm going to list 5 must watch shows on Netflix! I know most have Netflix and it's easy to get sucked into a show too!! So here's my list! 

1. Gossip Girl
This show will keep you watching it till the end of the 6 seasons!! I have personally watched it 4 times and currently watching it again! Definitely a MUST SEE!!! :)

2. Once Upon A Time
If you like fairy tale characters then you'll love this show! I honestly love the way this show portrays the characters! 

3. Heartland
Any horse lover will love this show! Even I love the show and I'm not a "horse lover"

4. When Calls The Heart
This show has definitely become one of my most favorite shows ever on Hallmark Channel!! If you haven't watched it, definitely check it out! I'm sure it'll become one of your favorites too! 

If you love period dramas then you will love this show too! Mary Queen Of Scots is really a neat story for the CW to bring to life! My favorite character is Queen Catherine though.. She's played by the very talented Megan Follows who also starred in the 1987 tv version of Anne Of Green Gables!

So I hope each of you have a awesome time binge watching all these wonderful shows!! Trust me there's more but I just picked these 5 for right now! 


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Planned Parenthood Scandal

As most of you have probably seen yesterday, there has been a scandal come out about a Planned Parenthood Executive selling baby body parts for money!! This just sickens me that a person would want to sell aborted BABY body parts!! Here is the link to the news article for anyone who hasn't seen it yet... Planned Parenthood sells baby body parts 
The whole situation just makes me mad!! And for someone to have no remorse over the whole thing is just sickening!! I understand that Pro-Choice people believe that a baby isn't a baby until it is born.. But I am sorry I don't believe that at all!!! A BABY is a BABY even before it is born!! 
I agree with this whole heartedly!!! There are thousands of families everyday who would love to be able to have children who can't that would gladly adopt!! Why can't we stand up and give the information to those who have thought about having an abortion done? I think its time we as a Pro-Life whole need to stand up and fight for the ones who are little and can't fight for themselves!!!
Yes a person is a person no matter how small they are!!! 

I pray that each of you have a wonderful evening!!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Preppy style!

Hey everyone! I hope each of you have had a wonderful week so far!! Hope your weekend is off to a great start too!! Ok, I'm gonna write a blog post on Preppy Style.. Most that follow my blog, instagram, and Facebook know I'm a Preppy girl at heart!! Always have been! Well now I will post websites where you can buy preppy clothes! Most of mine have been given to me, But this dress that I'm wearing below is from www.lillypulitzer.com and I got it while on our honeymoon in Washington, D.C. and I can honestly say I am so in love with the way this dress fits and how cute it looks too!! I paired my pair of real pearl necklace with it that my grandmother gave me to wear on my wedding day, and a pair of pearl studs that's not pictured also to make the outfit complete! :) It's really easy to get the preppy look! And really not that hard to find pieces at Thrift stores or where ever you shop at! :)
Ok, now onto different websites to purchase preppy Clothes...
There's a few for right now! Also if you follow me on Pinterest, I have a board all for Preppy Style and there's some absolutely adorable styles on there to get inspirations from! Well I'm off of here for a little while! Hope each of you have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Confederate Flag/Gay Marriage Controversy

Hey everyone! I pray that your week has been wonderful, and pray that each of you have a wonderful and safe 4th Of July!

Ok, I know right now has been the whole talk about removing the Confederate Battle Flag, and all Confederate people and landmarks! One I think it is wrong!! I have lived in the south my entire life and if anyone thinks the Confederate flag is a "hate flag" then they need to re-do history again and learn what the TRUE history about the Confederate Battle Flag!! I also don't think that the government has a right to take down a flag that represents what the South did back in the 1800's and what the South also stands for!!! I think it's about time for us to stand up for what we believe in and show everyone what the South has done since the Civil War era!! 
Also, banning tv shows, movies, artist who have Confederate flags in their yards/albums aren't going to change anything!! Banning a movie (Gone With The Wind) that was made back in 1939 because of the Confederate Army isn't going to change anything!! I don't understand why because a serious whacked out person who went into a black church and killed innocent people that they blame it on the Confederate Flag.. This wasn't a "flag" issue, this was a person issue! He is the one that has some serious issues with something that has happened in his life! But instead of people taking control of their actions its easier to put the blame onto someone else!! Or something else!!! 

Now, onto the whole Supreme Courts ruling on all 50 states being legal to marry Gays... I for one don't agree with Gay marriage, I don't think thats the way God intended marriage to be.. BUT, in the courts eyes I do think people have the right to marry whoever they want to marry!! Insurance companies, for one have had where you could claim a "partner" on insurance for several years now.. So honestly I don't understand why this has to be a big battle! If you don't agree with gay's marrying well thats fine, but if your a probate judge well I'm sorry but you should grant that couple their marriage license! If you don't want to give it to them, then I'm sure there is someone else that will be glad to! 
Now, I do have an issue with gay couples thinking they have a right to everything!! I'm sorry but if a Christian business doesn't want to make a cake for your wedding, then go to another cake shop to get it, don't sit there and make their life a living Hell for the fun of it! EVERYONE has a right to believe in what they want to! That's the problem with this Nation that we live in, it's ok for one group to believe in what they want, but not ok for another to believe in what they want to!! I have several gay friends and they are such good friends too!! But I've been very upfront with them too! Ive let them know that as long as they don't shove down my throat what they believe in, I won't do the same! We are all called to love each other!! We don't love the sin, but we are to love the sinner!! What most don't understand is, every one of us sins, no sin is any greater than others!! If I lose friends over this blog post well thats fine, I'm speaking out for what I believe in, and what I think is right!! If you don't agree with me, thats fine! 
Praying that each of you have a wonderful night, please do comment on this post but please keep it respectful! Any rude comments will be deleted!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Blog Update!!

Good morning everyone! I pray that your Monday has been good so far!! I know I haven't posted in over a month! So I am going to today with some Wedding pictures, and some house pictures that I have taken! The last two weeks we have been busy painting our house! It have been so much fun picking the colors out together and painting together!! :)

Ok, onto wedding pics!
Beautiful shot that my sister Becky took! Absolutely love it!
All the Bridesmaids, Maid Of Honor, Groomsmen, Best Man, And of course the Bride and Groom! ;)

Us with my family!! So blessed to be able to have them all at our wedding!! Absolutely memorable!
One of my most favorite pictures ever!!! :)

Our gorgeous wedding cake that a dear friend made us!!

My cousin with her little boy :)

My two sweet friends that I get to call sisters!!! :)

Our Bridal party table! :)

My sister :)
Our Living room :)

Our Living room :) 

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom

And our picture frame that a wonderful dear friend made for us with our special wedding pictures in them!! I so love this!! :)

Yesterday was National Wear Lilly Day since it was also the first day of summer.. So I will post a picture of my Lilly dress!!
I am so in love with this dress and all the bright and pretty colors!! I pray that each of you have a very  blessed week! I'll try and post more often!!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Bridal Shower

I know this post is WAY LONG OVERDUE so bear with me while I update and post the pictures from the Bridal Shower! First off, I'd like to thank my very dearest and best friend, Rhoda for putting together and hosting the most beautiful Bridal Shower ever!!!! I was completely honored to be able to ask you to host it and I think you did an AMAZING job putting it all together and putting all of my favorite things together and adding them as one!! Ok, now onto everyone that came, thank you so much for attending and thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts! I can't wait to be able to put everything to good use!! :) ok, now onto the pictures!

I hope each of you enjoy the pictures from the Bridal Shower!! I know I had such a blessed and fun time!! Now time to get all the last minute wedding prep done! Can't believe that in 9 days I'll be getting married!!
