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Friday, January 13, 2012

Devotion for January 13,2012

January 13.
Love Without Measure

Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3

I once wrote something about how God loves us and how dear we are to Him. I was not sure I should put it down on paper—but God knows what I meant.

I wrote: "The only eccentricity that I can discover in the heart of God is the fact that a God such as He is should love sinners such as we are!"

On this earth a mother will love the son who has betrayed her and shamed her and is now on his way to a life in prison. That seems to be a natural thing for a mother. But there is nothing natural about this love of God. It is a divine thing. It is forced out by the inward pressure within the heart of the God of all grace. That is why He waits for us, puts up with us, desires to lead us on—He loves us!

My brethren, this should be our greatest encouragement in view of all that we know about ourselves: God loves us without measure, and He is so keenly interested in our spiritual growth and progress that He stands by in faithfulness to teach and instruct and discipline us as His own dear children!

Some pictures!

I have uploaded some pictures that were on my old blog! I pray that each of you are having a very blessed day!! And know that I pray for each of you each day!! I am going to post again soon!! Until then.. May God's blessing be upon each of you!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

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