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Wifey* mama* Lifestyle & Fashion blogger* Young Living Independent Distributer*
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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Lexi's First 6 Months

So today I am writing a post about Lexi's first 6 months! Today she turned 6 months old and it feels like yesterday since she was born! It's been so much fun having her here!! I am including all of her "monthly milestone pictures" as well! So, her favorite thing to do these days are, squealing as loudly as can be! Loves her purees and also trying to spit them out at me too! Loves it when Daddy plays "airplane" with her, and just lights up period when daddy comes into the room where ever she is! 
Ok now onto the pictures!

This month is extra special cause this is Lexi's First Christmas!! I wanted to take her picture by the Christmas Tree to also be sort of her First Christmas photo! I definitely will try and take a better "Christmasy" photo soon!! It's so much fun having a little girl to dress up, play with, and cuddle when she isn't feeling well!! She's been teething very much lately and so the extra cuddles have been so nice! She's also a wonderful eater! Loves her purees, crackers, and even pancakes! Love my girly so much!!💗💗
Hope each of you have a wonderful night and week!!