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Wifey* mama* Lifestyle & Fashion blogger* Young Living Independent Distributer*
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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Back To Blogging

Hey everyone! How have each of you been? I have been good! I took a break from blogging because I didn't know if I wanted to do a Fashion Blog, Lifestyle Blog, etc.. But I have decided that I am just going to continue with the style I am doing now.. A little mixture of everything.. :) 

Ok, here is what has been going on  the last several months, My husband and I are expecting our first baby in June of this year!! We are beyond excited to be having this little girl! We are naming her Alexandra Elizabeth.. It has been more like a family tradition to have the name Elizabeth as a first or middle name and I wanted to keep that going.. Currently I am 23 weeks along and feeling baby girl kick and move all the time.. It's so amazing to feel her move and know that in 4 months we will be meeting our little girl!

Wow, I can't believe that it's already March!! How the months are surely flying by! Can't believe that Spring is already almost upon us! I am so ready to get out into the flower beds and work up all the weeds and such and start getting some new flowers to plant! We didn't get any snow this year here in North Mississippi.. But that's ok! I am sure we will get our share of snow some winter.. ;)

Ok, for any of my followers that are either expecting or already have children and are looking into having another child.. I highly recommend Pink Blush Maternity they have such cute and affordable maternity clothes and they are so comfortable!! And they are ALWAYS running sales too!! You can also follow them on Instagram and Facebook (if you have either one) and watch when they give out codes for certain amounts off your order! They are also free shipping always kind of company which always helps!

Well I am going to head off! Hope each of you have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting that you're having a girl! I hope your pregnancy continues to go well!
