Hello all.. I pray that each of you have had a very blessed weekend! Sorry for not coming on here and writing a blog post. I have just been busy and just haven't had time to sit and write out a blog post. Anyhow. I have been having some things on my mind these last couple of weeks. And I have been reading God's word and just really searching his word and my heart.. Now to update you on my week last week:)
Monday and Tuesday I was off of work. Children had off those two days..
Wednesday I worked and then I got surprised with a txt from a dear friend and she asked me if I wanted to come with them to the mall in Huntsville.. I had such a wonderful time getting caught up with each other and looking around at the mall.. And then she was grateful to get me a pair of shoes as a late birthday present. How wonderful!! I use them for church only and they are very comfortable:)
This is the lovely pair of shoes that she got me!! Thank you Martha for the shoes!!
Then Thursday and Friday I worked again..
On Saturday mom, Jackie, Becky and me went all together thrift store shopping. It was such a wonderful time to be able to be together and shop.. :)
I feel so blessed these last few months. and I know that I have always been blessed but I feel even more blessed!! :) Within two months I will be looking for a new job.. I am not sure as to what I am looking for but I know that God will show me what I am to do.. In the mean time I think I will help mom out with things that she wants to do and concentrate on getting the garden area worked up and getting the garden going.. I am super excited to be able to start the garden already this year.. I have so longed for Spring to come! Most of my days right now are being enjoyed babysitting, and reading my bible and books:) I got another Amish book Saturday! It's called The Protector by Shelley Shepard Gray... So far it is a very good book.. Course anything Amish is going to be my favorite! :) I am also going to add two other pics that I just love:) One is of a kapp that I am going to have made for me sometime and another one is a cape dress:) Cape dresses have got to be one of my favorite things to wear.. Anyways.. Here are the pics:)
I pray that each of you have a very blessed day!! I will try and write some more another time!
Until then Blessings to each of you!!